Dear Baby Hutch Jay Wiese,
can't belive that this week you will be eating solid foods and just weeks ago you would choke and scream everytime I tried to feed you. Now you sleep on your tummy and role all about your crib when I swear it was just yesterday that I had you in a tight swaddle to sleep. I remember the day you were born like it was just hours ago and how it changed my way of thinking forever. You have changed my world completely and I can't imagine my life without you. Yes, we have had some tough times but it has all made me love you even more. Thank you for being such a great baby and for always shooting me a smile just when I need it. I love you so much and I love being your mom.
p.s. brett, this also marks the week of you being a great father for 6 months, love you so much.
happy 1/2 birthday hutch......
Awe! This is so incredibly sweet!
ah...vikk : ) you're the sweetest.
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