
he growns up and he growns up

wow, all those mom's are right when they say "it goes by so fast, enjoy every minute". My son turned 6 months old this week and it is kinda blowing my brains. Sometimes I look at him and can't believe how fast it has all gone. It seems like just yesterday I was crying because I was afraid he was not gaining enough weight, now I laugh because he is a monster. I love seeing his smiling face every morning. I love seeing Brett interact with him, that father son bond is the coolest thing to watch as a mom. I love his smell (even if it involves some serious Wiese gas that he has inherited, thanks Dad). I love his smiles that include only gums and no teeth. I love how he looks at me and I love love that he is my sweet little extrovert!!!

Dear Baby Hutch Jay Wiese,

can't belive that this week you will be eating solid foods and just weeks ago you would choke and scream everytime I tried to feed you. Now you sleep on your tummy and role all about your crib when I swear it was just yesterday that I had you in a tight swaddle to sleep. I remember the day you were born like it was just hours ago and how it changed my way of thinking forever. You have changed my world completely and I can't imagine my life without you. Yes, we have had some tough times but it has all made me love you even more. Thank you for being such a great baby and for always shooting me a smile just when I need it. I love you so much and I love being your mom.
p.s. brett, this also marks the week of you being a great father for 6 months, love you so much.


The Frazee's said...

happy 1/2 birthday hutch......

Jess said...

Awe! This is so incredibly sweet!

Tish said...

ah...vikk : ) you're the sweetest.