
Motorcylce Daddy

Is it Tuesday already? I meant to blog about this on Saturday but was too busy having a great time and here we are on Tuesday at the end of the day. Saturday I started my day by seeing my father off on a cycle ride benefit. It was pretty fun to see my Dad in his entire motorcycle garb showing off his hot bike ;) My brother Abe painted this cycle so it is really special for my dad to ride it around and get compliments on it. I even think it is pretty cool and I am not really into the fire graphics on motorcycles, I am more into skeletons and naked women on motorcycles but that is just me. J

My Dad had four sisters and no brothers so it is amazing he is not more metro sexual ;) ** Side note: Dad, I will explain what metro sexual means some other time. It was fun to see Dad, Joe (dad’s neighbor who is really dad’s brother separated at birth) and my uncle Jim have fun just being Guys and trying to fit in with all these Motorcycle guys and girls (yikes, those girls are kinda scary, I really did fit in with my little dress and red shoes ;).

It was a great way to start my Saturday and I was so happy I got to see him off.


hannah said...

was your dad in wild hogs??

Anonymous said...

If I had a motorcycle it would be painted with a cougar fighting a dragon. Or maybe a rattlesnake biting a cowboy's boot, and the cowboy's hand coming down with a knife into its eye!

But your dad does look cool with his flames. They look like they were having fun.