
Lessons in self defense

Brett's job has required a bit more traveling these days which has left me at home solo a little more than usual. Normally I don't have a problem with these short trips away; it gives me time to clean up the house, not cook for a couple days, shop and just hang out with friends. Don't get me wrong I never prefer to sleep alone. I have never been one of those people that needs her own space; the less space the better. Anyway, Brett was in Iowa this Sunday night and I had the worst night of sleep. I had a terrible dream about a guy hitting on my bedroom windows and calling our phone in the middle of the night. I just lay there frozen in my bed. I thought about getting a gun but then I thought against it seeing as though I really had no clue how to load it and probably would’ve ended up hurting myself or blowing a hole in the floor. At 2:30 am I suddenly work up in a cold sweat from my dream. I was so close to calling the police to have them check the area. It took me about two minutes to realize that that might overkill and I needed to cool it and go back to bed. But as I lay my head back down, I knew I was going to get a game plan together when Brett got home.When got back yesterday I was telling him about my dream and how I felt like I would not know what to do if this situation really occured. Yes, I have taken a self defense class and I think if I had to kick a guy where it counted I could but what if I was in serious trouble, Brett was gone and I needed to pack some heat? “I need a gun" I told Brett. To which he replied “We already have 4 of them.” We have guns for hunting in our house but I was really thinking I need a handgun. Brett convinced me that one of our shotguns would do the trick just fine and I just needed a little training. Do I know which bullets go to which gun and how to unload and load it fast and correctly???? I have a general idea but I thought I better know how to really do it.
That's right, I got a full lesson last night from Brett on how to load one of his guns in record time.

(how much do you love Brett's shirt? it is my new favorite.)
Brett clocked me to see if I could really handle a pressure situation; on my first try I was locked and loaded in 12 seconds. We decided it would be best to get that time under 10 seconds and after several tries I was down to six seconds.

So, if some punk wants to try breaking and entering at our piece then you might want to reconsider…I am likely to blow your socks off. Give me 6 seconds and you will wish you never step foot on my property


Unknown said...

That's my sister!! The farm girl from KS who can load a gun in 6 secs. You are my idol.

vwiese said...

thanks for the comment, I didn't think anyone liked this blog or something. ;) Hey, I would love to see your blog updated, I go to it almost everyday ;)

mshaw said...

Good for you Vikkie. I have a picture of your Great Aunt "Something" on Grandpa Judah's side. She is brandishing a shot gun. You must see it to appreciate the resemblance. Yes to Carrie also on her blog site.

Tish said...

if ya weren't a republican before you definitely are now!!! lol

kjl said...

You joke about shooting a hole in the floor, but I am totally not kidding when I say that a friend of mine's dad just did that a couple of months ago!!! He bought a handgun for protection, had no idea how to use it, was messing around with it while my friend's mom was in the shower, and it WENT OFF and shot a hole through their bedroom floor into the basement. Needless to say, our friends aren't really thrilled about sending the kids to the grandparents' house anymore!!

Anonymous said...

All of a sudden I could hear the Beverly Hillbillies theme song in my head and picture you as Ellie May and Brett as Jethro. Go Vikkie. Nobody puts baby in a corner.


Andrea said...

Love Brett's shirt. Will you please ask him to get one for me in my size next time he's in DSM?

Anonymous said...

i'll be sure not to come over at 2am...yikes.