
What a welcome!!

My dad stopped by for a quick visit on his way to the airport last night to pick up Joce who had been in NYC for a funeral. Soon after eating some dinner we got news that Joce's flight had been cancelled and would not be in until the next morning. Poor Joce was so ready to get home and so I was suggesting to Dad that maybe he should pick up some flowers to take to the airport to welcome her home. "Flowers is the last thing that women would want, trust me, she thinks they are pretty but it really does not mean a thing to her", my dad said. I thought, mmmm, what would be good to greet her home?? "How about a nice bunch of Snicker's bar's, she loves chocolate", I suggested.

Just then, Brett chimed in with the best idea ever: "How about you make a sign like those limo drivers do at the airport that says her last name", Brett said and I followed it with "Great idea Brett, how about making the sign out of SNICKERS!!!!!!"

Almost 40 snickers, a roll of double sided mounting tape, a piece of foam core cut in half and three peoples (Brett, Dad and myself) crafty brains working together we came up with this:

I have still not heard what Joce's reaction was but I hope it was laughter and then running into the arms of a man that made you a sign out of chocolates!!!! I know I sure would!!


Jamie said...

Um......I want that sign! Dang, I wish I was at the airport when he was there...I would have ran up and snagged it faster than the speed of lightening! An since it's my last name too, he couldn't have done a darn thing about it! :) What a great idea! I'm sure she loved it!

Anonymous said...

cute idea!

Jocelyne said...

Wow, I didn't know it was a group effort!!! I really loved it and it brought a smile to my face and yes, I did give your Dad a great big hug and kisses and said "You idiot", jokingly, because it was so funny that he, or you I guess, remembered that I love snickers. Thanks again to you and Brett for making a bad situation better. Did you know Craig had to fight off little kids at the airport that were begging their parents for a snicker bar while he waited another two hours for my delayed flight??!! Poor guy!!! He ended up having to hide the sign behind the baggage claim rental carts.